Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our House

Our current house is a Kyham Igloo 3 man tent.  We needed a large tent to live in and move around in but small enough to pack away into the car and we needed it to be quick to put up and take down.  We didn't really want a 2 second popup tent as they seem to turn to jelly as soon as a breeze hits it.

The Kyham seemed perfect for the job and is currently standing up to the test if a little faded. Its taken a beating in the wind and rain and we're still dry.  I have added a link below to the Kyham website if you want to know more. Click here

I'm going to try and explain as much as I can in this blog even to me linking a tent.  It might seem a bit over the top but the more information the better.

If living in a tent wasn't hard enough our mode of transport is a 1976 Citroen AKS400.